Ian Faigley

  • Director of Outreach and Engagement

Ian is the point man for partners of the Forum. He manages communications efforts, working with staffers at both the Forum and partner organizations on case studies, news releases, marketing and electronic newsletters. Ian created an online tool for leaders to access Ready by 21 resources and ideas, and he handles inquiries from local partners and other community organizations who seek technical assistance and other help from the Forum.

Before coming to the Forum in October 2007, Ian helped found and expand the Council for Nonprofit Innovation, a think tank focused on improving the performance of organizations in the nonprofit sector through thought leadership, training and consulting. Ian also spent two years as a program instructor with the Close-Up Foundation, a teaching organization focused on civic education, and one year as a graduate assistant at the Charterhouse School in Surrey County, England.

Ian graduated from the American University in Washington, D.C., with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, with a focus on legislative politics and grassroots lobbying.