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Partnering with People with Lived Experience in Systems Change

February 4, 2025

True systems change happens when those most impacted are not just invited to the table, but actively shaping the conversation. Through the BEST Youth Initiative, People with Lived Experience are working alongside state leaders to reimagine youth-serving systems—ensuring that solutions are grounded in their realities and designed to drive equity, sustainability, and transformative change.

Building Better Safety Net Programs through Positive Youth Development

Access to food, housing, and medical care is critical for young people's development. Yet, many public benefits programs are not designed with their unique needs in mind. In a blog co-authored by Meghan McCann, Vice President of State Policy at the Forum, and Heather Hahn and Laura Wagner from the Urban Institute, we explore how a positive youth development approach can make safety net programs more accessible and effective for youth.

Now’s the Time to Commit to Quality

November 13, 2024

How do we create youth programs that truly meet the needs of every young person? Our Commit to Quality campaign will spotlight the inspiring ways program quality is being elevated across the youth development field.

To kick off the campaign, we spoke with Sheely Mauck, Director of Equitable Quality Improvement Systems, to discuss why program quality matters and what it looks like in practice.

Building a Thriving Future: How the BEST Youth Initiative Aligns with Governors’ Workforce Agendas (Part 1)

November 13, 2024

As the demand for education and skills grows, states are redesigning policies to meet the realities of a shifting workforce landscape. In response, the BEST Youth Initiative is fostering cross-system collaboration to create pathways for young people to thrive.

In Part 1 of our new blog series, discover how the BEST Youth Initiative is aligning with governors’ workforce agendas and why workforce readiness is a priority across 34 states.

Part 2 will highlight the innovative approaches each participating state is taking.

10 Indicators to Change Opportunity: 2023 Opportunity Index

October 1, 2024

The Opportunity Index is an interactive data tool that provides a composite of four distinct dimensions of opportunity- economy, education, health, and community. The 2023 Opportunity Index looks at data across those dimensions over several years to offer trends in opportunity across the country. Explore the full report and watch the recorded webinar for a deeper dive into the findings.

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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