Registered Apprenticeships Open Opportunities for Youth
With youth unemployment on the rise, innovative workforce development initiatives are emerging. The growing demand for infrastructure workers presents a distinctive chance to involve youth from historically underrepresented groups, addressing equity gaps and promoting a more inclusive economy. The intersection of federal funding for infrastructure and youth apprenticeships becomes a focal point for policy, providing a ripe opportunity to narrow equity divides, foster inclusive economies, and nurture a skilled talent pipeline for the future.
Minding the Gap: Cross-System Collaboration to Help Smooth Youth Transitions Between Systems
As youth move through the education to workforce continuum, they encounter several important transition points critical to their development. When systems work together to ensure these inflection points are met with support, youth are better able to succeed. This blog examines these transition points and the strategies to support youth in navigating them.
3 Ways States Can Maximize Medicaid as Sustainable Funding for Youth-Serving Systems
Medicaid funds can serve as a sustainable source of funding for states to support youth health and mental health. That is, if states maximize its potential. Learn about three ways states have maximized the use of Medicaid to support youth-serving systems.