The Children’s Cabinet Network is the nation’s only network bringing together state and local leaders to assess and align policies across systems and levels of government.
It’s well known that no single support or program is enough to ensure children and youth are on track developmentally, educationally, socially, and emotionally.
Unfortunately, the manner in which rules, regulations and government structures are crafted makes it difficult for leaders to create and implement coordinated programs and services that address the comprehensive needs of young people. But there is much that can be done to simplify and untangle the patchwork of rigid polices and funding streams so they are more efficient and effective.
The Forum’s policy staff support Children’s Cabinets, also known as councils, commissions or P-20 councils. Children’s Cabinets are typically made up of the heads of all government agencies with child- and youth-serving programs. They meet regularly to coordinate services, develop a common set of outcomes, and collaboratively decide upon and implement plans to foster the well-being of young people.
Members of this network share best practices and learn more about tools that focus on bringing efficiency and effectiveness to their efforts to improve outcomes for young people.