Welcome to the Opportunity Index

The Forum’s Opportunity Index aims to address and assist in disrupting social and racial inequity in America, using equitable data to shift the narrative of Opportunity and to reimagine the ‘American Dream’ for all people, no matter their ZIP codes.

Measuring Access to Opportunity

Our Opportunity Index measures Opportunity. across four different dimensions (economy, education, health, and community) and 20 different indicators, that are vital to fostering upward mobility, at both the county and state levels.

Retelling the ‘American Dream’

America’s history of racism and Other inequities has dramatically shaped which families and individuals are able to live in communities associated with opportunity. With equitable training and first person experience, we are retelling the American Dream to include ALL Americans’ voices.

Using Data to Build Equitable Approaches

In America, where we live determines how we can expect to live, more than any other personal or individual factor. Our Zip Code should not determine the degree to which we thrive. The Index offers data to allow communities and decisionmakers to identify and address inequity.


Our Opportunity Index measures opportunity across four different dimension (economy, education, health, and community) and 20 different indicators that foster mobility at both the county and state levels, with PUMA data available.

Education Dimension

Education Dimension

An important indicator of human capital is the extent to which a population is educated. Educational attainment, and its related skills, are associated with greater lifetime earnings and better health and life satisfaction.6 The benefits of education begin in early childhood, when participation in a good-quality childcare or preschool program gives young children a head […]

Economy Dimension

Economy Dimension

A robust economy supports a high-skills/high-wage labor force. In general, economies with large disparities in income, wealth or access to good jobs are associated with greater problems—such as poorer overall health and well-Being, 4 weaker economic growth, 5 violence and greater dependence on public assistance. Opportunities to accumulate assets and access financial credit are also […]

Community Dimension

Community Dimension

Thriving communities provide infrastructure that supports The health, education, work life, recreation and civic participation of their residents. These communities welcome the assets of residents of diverse ages, races and ethnicities and cultural backgrounds, and take care not to adopt practices that exclude anyone’s contributions.

Health Dimension

Health Dimension

Health is a multifaceted concept. The “conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age” are known as the “social determinants” of health. Neighborhood quality, household income, racial discrimination, education and other social supports can greatly influence health by affecting people’s opportunities for physical activity, their social networks, access to care and overall […]

Young Leaders


Policy Makers

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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