Upcoming Event Thursday, December 9, 2021

Making the Case for OST: The Perspectives of Parents, Educators, and Providers

December 9, 2021, 11:00-12:00 PM ET

With support from The Wallace Foundation, Learning Heroes’ latest research, “Out-of-School Time Programs: Paving the Way for Children to Find Passion, Purpose & Voice” reveals exciting new insights about the role of out-of-school time (OST) settings in helping our young people thrive. Join Learning Heroes Senior Vice President David Park and Communications Manager Howard Winchester for an interactive discussion on this data and the accompanying Playbook for educators, providers, and advocates. Learn how the Playbook can be used to support organizations in using this important data. Participants will also hear from state and local leaders on how they are making the case for OST.

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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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