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What Next? Why Now? An Interview with Karen Pittman

February 5, 2021

The time has come. The transition is upon us. Not the one in downtown D.C. The one right here at the Forum for Youth Investment. For the last several years, Karen has signaled that the day was coming when she would step out of organizational leadership and “find more time.” More time to reflect. More time to write. More time to amplify powerful ideas. On February 1st she will step down as President and CEO of the Forum and move into a Senior Fellow role. She will continue as a co-lead of the Readiness Projects – “using science-informed strategies to upend inequity and accelerate progress” – alongside coordinating partners Merita Irby (Forum Co-founder and Executive Vice President), Hal Smith (National Urban League) and Deborah Moroney (American Institutes of Research). She will also free up time and brain space to explore new ways of maximizing our our shared mission of “changing the odds for children and youth.

Merita Irby interviews Karen – her colleague for more than a quarter of a century – about where she’s been, what’s up next, and why now.

How Learning Happens: New Videos Highlight Effective Social and Emotional Learning Practices

November 5, 2020

Edutopia, a trusted source shining a spotlight on what works in education, recently released a new collection of compelling videos that connect what we know about the science of learning and development with practical applications for educators and providers in all youth-serving settings. The collection highlights exemplary out-of-school time programs in four communities and examines the best practices at work. While the videos were filmed pre-COVID, the strategies and themes are more important than ever.

Adapting YPQA and SAPQA Items for Virtual Program Observation

October 23, 2020

Offering hybrid or virtual programming this fall? Quality matters in those spaces, too! This session was designed for those already familiar with observation assessment using the Youth and School Age PQA tools. Adaptations for use in virtual program settings, an overview of new PQA scoring options, and guidance for conducting assessments are covered in this recording.

The Urgency of Educational Equity Now: A Conversation with John King and Karen Pittman

June 2, 2020

CASEL CARES is a new initiative from CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) that connects individuals and communities with experts to address how Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) can be most helpful in today’s circumstances. It is important to recognize that the most vulnerable students are at particular risk during this time. As part of the CASEL CARES webinar series, the Education Trust’s John King and the Forum’s Karen Pittman recently offered reflections on existing inequities in education that have been exposed and exacerbated by the pandemic.

Data Disrupted: Practical Solutions to Adapt Research and Evaluation Plans During COVID-19: Resources and Recording

May 12, 2020

While many youth-serving programs have adapted quickly in response to COVID-19, disruptions to research and evaluation data collection efforts have left practitioners with questions about how to complete current projects and what information to collect to guide future planning. This webinar convenes researchers, evaluators, and funders to discuss practical solutions for interrupted data collection efforts and reporting expectations to promote the continuation of quality improvement conversations and the sharing of program impact stories.

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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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