The Forum’s federal policy agenda contains recommendations for Congress and the Administration designed to make systems work better for all youth ages 5 to 24. Our policy agenda builds on the Forum’s 25-year history of advancing youth-centered solutions informed by rigorous research that centers on positive youth development and continuous quality improvement. Millions of young people have been disconnected from the systems intended to set them up for success and opportunities to thrive. Our policy agenda prioritizes youth economic mobility and well-being, targeting solutions within five critical systems: education, workforce development, human services, juvenile justice, and child welfare.   

Our policy priorities focus on four strategic priorities to strengthen outcomes for all young people:   

  • Priority One: Anchor Positive Youth Development across the Youth Ecosystem by establishing a statutory definition for positive youth development and embedding it in critical federal program authorizations.   
  • Priority Two: Strengthen Youth Program Quality by embedding continuous quality improvement systems in key federal program authorizations as a core state activity.  
  • Priority Three: Measure Outcomes and Program Accountability to improve service delivery and drive return on federal investment across the youth ecosystem.  
  • Priority Four: Invest in Strong Youth Programs through strategic increases in federal appropriations for CQI in critical programs and ensuring investments focus on high-needs youth and communities.    

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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