Ready by 21 National Meeting- 2021

Every year, the Ready by 21 National Meeting brings together hundreds of leaders from around the country who are working to get all young people ready by 21 – for college, work, and life. These leaders have dedicated themselves to improving the odds for children and youth by improving & aligning policies, planning & partnering for impact, and strengthening practices & programs.

In May 2021 over 450 people from around the country convened virtually to join plenary sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities focused on:

  • Ensuring Readiness for college, work, and life, by building competencies, abilities, and mindsets.
  • Promoting Equity for all young people, especially closing gaps for populations often facing great challenges.
  • Increasing Shared Commitment to changing the odds for young people through common goals, strategies, and measures within and across systems & sectors.
  • Improving Program Quality and effectiveness in ways that spark management & staff engagement and support better outcomes for young people.

Participants had the opportunity to see and hear about standards, solutions, measures of success, and case studies from state and local partnerships; refine the way they think and talk about their own work and network through engagement with leaders from across the country; and find new ways to act and coordinate in response to the toughest challenges.

Click on the tabs above to access recordings and resources from the two days of convenings.

We are extremely thankful to our sponsors, without whom this convening and much of our work would not be possible.

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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