Expanding the conversation around where, when and how learning happens...

Since the release of the National Commission on Social, Emotional & Academic Development’s final report, we have received dozens of comments from organizations who – many for the first time – see themselves, their priorities and their suggestions reflected, at least in part, in the language, examples and recommendations of a report designed for educators.  We have been able to craft and respond to opportunities to bring the key ideas and frames from the report to large audiences.

The response is strong and positive.  The field is ready to engage in and expand the shared understanding of how, where and when learning happens.  If aggressively leveraged, we believe this momentum can catalyze the field to work together in new ways to address the glaring disparities in learning opportunities and conditions that exist within and between schools, neighborhoods and communities.

We are working to develop simple, accessible and effective tools that draw from research in the youth development, brain science and education fields that help all of us translate the National Commission on Social, Emotional & Academic Development’s work into action agendas that resonate with community partners. There is more to come, but for now, we hope you will find the following tools we have used over the past few months useful in making the case for engaging, equitable learning across all settings.

Tools to help you share the work of the SEAD Commission:

Building Partnerships in Support of Where, When & How Learning HappensSEAD Commission Youth Development Work Group Report.

Introduction to SEAD Commission Presentation – PDF. This presentation serves as an introduction to the story of the commission in a way that highlights the work of the YD and equity work groups.

Buildable SEAD Visuals – PowerPoint. Through our work over the past few months, we have adapted various versions of the SEAD graphics and hope they may be of use to you all.

Graphics “cheat sheet.” – PDF. This four page handout will help you in using the SEAD Commission’s graphics to inform conversations about readiness, quality, equity and engagement.

Graphics Discussion Handouts – PDF.  One pagers dedicated to the SEAD graphics that provide context and explanations to spur discussions for youth development professionals around the ideas embedded in the graphics.

For the final SEAD Commission report and set of resources see: From a Nation at Risk to a Nation at Hope.

Links to key resources: 

Foundations for Young Adult Success, The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research. 

Building Blocks for Learning: A Framework for Comprehensive Student Development, Turnaround for Children.

Video: The Science of Learning and Development, Edutopia and SEAD Commission. 


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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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