Now is the Time to Commit to Quality

Creating spaces where young people feel seen, supported, and ready to thrive begins with a commitment to quality. Decades of research affirm what practitioners innately know: the quality of relationships and experiences in youth programs shapes learning and development. High-quality programs foster positive youth development, support critical skill-building, and cultivate a sense of belonging—creating environments where young people can learn, grow, and lead.

As highlighted in our recent blog post, “Now’s the Time to Commit to Quality,” the importance of high-quality programs remains as critical as ever. By prioritizing quality, youth-serving organizations can adapt to meet the evolving challenges young people face, ensuring that every interaction and opportunity is meaningful and impactful.

Key Benefits of Quality Improvement:

  • Clear, evidence-based standards for effective practice
  • Better alignment among staff, stakeholders, and participants
  • Environments where both youth and adults can grow together

Prioritizing program quality is always essential—because every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive.

Tools for Measuring and Improving Quality

Discover research-validated tools from the Weikart Center:

  • Program Quality Assessments (PQA): Identify strengths and areas for improvement in program facilitation.
  • Customizable Research and Evaluation Services: Tailored support to help youth-serving organizations collect and analyze data to improve programs and share impactful stories.
  • Training Workshops: Designed to help you understand the YPQI approach and how to apply it effectively in your programs.

Featured Resources

Dive deeper into program quality through stories, insights, and thought leadership.

Catch up on our Commit to Quality blog series:

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Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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