WHY. Because you’re dedicated to improving outcomes for children and youth. You work every day to get young people ready for college, work, and life; to get all communities to offer high-quality supports; and to get all leaders to work together to reach those goals. The Ready by 21 National Meeting is for leaders like you: change-makers who want to learn from their peers, apply proven strategies, and strengthen their collective impact.
WHO. The National Meeting brings together local, state, and national leaders who like you are committed to improving partnerships, policies, and practices for children and youth. These leaders manage change at all levels - from state policy coordination and community-wide cradle-to-career efforts to out-of-school time systems, single-issue coalitions, and neighborhood-based initiatives. They come from business, nonprofits, education, policy, philanthropy, and intermediaries at the national, state, and local levels.
WHAT. The National Meeting offers plenary sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities, all built around big and common challenges, such as how do we …
Ensure Readiness for college, work, and life, by building competencies, abilities, and mindsets.
Promote Equity for all young people, especially closing gaps for populations often facing great challenges.
Increase Shared Commitment to changing the odds for young people through common goals, strategies, and measures within and across systems & sectors.
Improve Program Quality and effectiveness in ways that spark management & staff engagement and support better outcomes for young people.
This year, we’re excited to offer all of our content virtually!
For each challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to see and hear about standards, solutions, measures of success, and case studies from state and local partnerships; refine the way you think and talk about your own work and network through engagement with leaders from across the country; and find new ways to act and coordinate in response to your toughest challenges.
Topics include:
- Strengthening and aligning partnerships
- Exploring the connection between readiness and robust equity
- Implementing science-informed strategy and practices
- Creating and supporting equitable learning and development ecosystems
- Reconnecting and reengaging young people after COVID disruptions
- Accelerating data usage at scale
- Creating large-scale shared investments in quality
- Fostering social and emotional learning across schools & communities
- Examining the role of schools and afterschool programs in implementing SEL initiatives
- Improving out-of-school time quality and performance
- Using data to drive strategic investments for children and youth
- Supporting quality summer learning experiences
- Creating dedicated local funding streams to support services for children & youth
- Aligning policies and resources across issues, agencies, and ages
- Engaging key stakeholders (e.g. children, youth & families, faith leaders, business)
- Developing leadership infrastructure and policy coordinating bodies
- Connecting and coordinating federal funding streams in communities
- Supporting state-level systems alignment
WHEN. May 19-20, 2021
WHERE. Virtual. Join from the comfort of your own home! For more information, email us at youth@forumfyi.org.
WHO. The National Meeting brings together local, state, and national leaders who like you are committed to improving partnerships, policies, and practices for children and youth. These leaders manage change at all levels - from state policy coordination and community-wide cradle-to-career efforts to out-of-school time systems, single-issue coalitions, and neighborhood-based initiatives. They come from business, nonprofits, education, policy, philanthropy, and intermediaries at the national, state, and local levels.
WHAT. The National Meeting offers plenary sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities, all built around big and common challenges, such as how do we …
Ensure Readiness for college, work, and life, by building competencies, abilities, and mindsets.
Promote Equity for all young people, especially closing gaps for populations often facing great challenges.
Increase Shared Commitment to changing the odds for young people through common goals, strategies, and measures within and across systems & sectors.
Improve Program Quality and effectiveness in ways that spark management & staff engagement and support better outcomes for young people.
This year, we’re excited to offer all of our content virtually!
For each challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to see and hear about standards, solutions, measures of success, and case studies from state and local partnerships; refine the way you think and talk about your own work and network through engagement with leaders from across the country; and find new ways to act and coordinate in response to your toughest challenges.
Topics include:
- Strengthening and aligning partnerships
- Exploring the connection between readiness and robust equity
- Implementing science-informed strategy and practices
- Creating and supporting equitable learning and development ecosystems
- Reconnecting and reengaging young people after COVID disruptions
- Accelerating data usage at scale
- Creating large-scale shared investments in quality
- Fostering social and emotional learning across schools & communities
- Examining the role of schools and afterschool programs in implementing SEL initiatives
- Improving out-of-school time quality and performance
- Using data to drive strategic investments for children and youth
- Supporting quality summer learning experiences
- Creating dedicated local funding streams to support services for children & youth
- Aligning policies and resources across issues, agencies, and ages
- Engaging key stakeholders (e.g. children, youth & families, faith leaders, business)
- Developing leadership infrastructure and policy coordinating bodies
- Connecting and coordinating federal funding streams in communities
- Supporting state-level systems alignment
WHEN. May 19-20, 2021
WHERE. Virtual. Join from the comfort of your own home! For more information, email us at youth@forumfyi.org.
Prior to the official start of the 2021 Ready by 21 National Meeting, the Forum will host a number of pre-sessions on Tuesday, May 18. These sessions will be invitation only. More details will be shared as they become available.