2023 Forum National Conference

May 10-12, 2023
Detroit, Michigan

The 2023 theme – Stronger Systems, Stronger Youth – highlighted the power of convening across systems and sectors to:

  • Advance youth development through strengthening programs
  • Support system leaders and practitioners
  • Shape policies

It was three days to…



At the core of the 2023 Forum National Conference were more than fifty sessions designed to educate and inspire the hundreds of leaders in attendance who are working to ensure that all young people reach their fullest potential – in education, work, and life.

The 2023 Forum National Conference offered keynotes, plenary sessions, skill-building sessions, peer roundtables and abundant networking opportunities, each designed to support the diverse contributions within the youth development ecosystem while centering the experience and voice of young people and their families.

Attendees learned new skills and techniques to apply to practice, gained inspiration to move work forward, and formed connections with others working to advance equitable opportunities and outcomes for all young people.

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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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