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Case Study
Prioritizing Partnerships and Embracing Change: The Growth and Development of the Denver Afterschool Alliance
Case Study
Housing Choice Vouchers: Using Research to Spur New Approaches and Greater Equity
Case Study
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Investments in Youth Work Experiences One Pager
Case Study
Advancing the Use of Core Components of Effective Programs One Pager
Case Study
Advancing the Use of Core Components of Effective Programs
Case Study
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Investments in Youth Work Experiences
Case Study
Year-Round Pell Grants: The Challenge of Making Policy Decisions with Limited Evidence
Issue Brief/Policy Paper
Reconnecting Youth Campaign: An Exploration of Year One Successes
Issue Brief/Policy Paper
Managing for Success Issue Brief: Elevating Evaluation
Issue Brief/Policy Paper
Managing for Success Issue Brief: Integrating multiple types of evidence into decision-making processes
Issue Brief/Policy Paper
Managing for Success Issue Brief: Focusing on Revenue-Neutral Approaches to Scaling the Use of Evidence

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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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