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Rising to the Challenge: Leveraging the Science of Learning and Development to Address the Reality of the Times

April 15, 2020

A recent virtual event launched the Readiness Projects and featured a series of short segments and interviews to tee up real-time topics for action and reflection in the days to come. What are we seeing, hearing, leveraging, and doing to respond to one very visible fact: out-of-school time is now all of the time? Together, we are stepping back to think about the inequities that are even more pressing for today's youth.

Youth Development Across the Federal Government: A Thought Leader Conversation with Cheri Hoffman

April 7, 2020

At least 21 federal agencies support programs and services focused on youth. What does it take to make sure that all of these policies and programs add up to positive, healthy outcomes for young people? For over a decade, the Federal Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs has brought together representatives from these federal agencies to promote achievement of positive results for at-risk youth through coordination and collaboration, evidence-based and innovative strategies, and youth engagement and partnerships.

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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