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2021 Ready by 21 National Meeting Content Now Available

July 26, 2021

Every year, the Ready by 21 National Meeting brings together hundreds of leaders from around the country who are working to get all young people ready by 21 – for college, work, and life. These leaders have dedicated themselves to improving the odds for children and youth by improving & aligning policies, planning & partnering for impact, and strengthening practices & programs.

The Forum for Youth Investment Welcomes Mishaela Durán as New President & CEO

June 30, 2021

US Department of Health & Human Services Leader to Succeed Karen Pittman

WASHINGTON, DC - The Forum for Youth Investment is pleased to announce Mishaela Durán will become the next President & CEO and will advance a comprehensive vision for changing the odds that all young people are ready by 21 for college, work, and life. Durán is a recognized leader and champion in the youth development field.

Making It: What Today’s Kids Need for Tomorrow’s World

April 12, 2021

In April’s Changing the Odds discussion, Karen was joined by Stephanie Malia Krauss, Senior Advisor at JFF and author of Making It: What Today’s Kids Need for Tomorrow’s World.

Karen and Stephanie’s colleagueship started with Karen giving Stephanie an audacious challenge: create a universal list of competencies youth need to succeed that speaks clearly to young people, resonates with leaders across multiple systems, and is grounded in everything we know about learning and development. The result was Ready by Design: The Science (and Art) of Youth Readiness.

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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