View Highlights from Previous Summits

The Opportunity Youth Network hosts an annual OYN Summit and partners with a range of organizations in the field to cohost an entire Opportunity Week of related events.

Collaborative Projects

The focus of the Opportunity Youth Network is advancing collaborative projects to tackle challenges and seize opportunities that are too large for any one organization or sector to do alone. Each project is framed as the Human Centered Design question “How might we as a field…”

2017 Projects

How might we as a field…

  • Ensure the Reconnecting Youth Campaign: Unleashing Limitless Potential is effective?
  • Create more intentional service year experiences to help young people who have the least amount of access to opportunities find a pathway to a productive career?
  • Craft strategies for supporting, organizing and building partnerships between national employers interested in hiring youth and non-profit providers that can train and support opportunity youth to succeed in the workforce?
  • Develop a shared plan for commissioning, and then using, communications research on the best way to frame messages about opportunity youth?
  • Increase political will and funding for Opportunity Youth through powerful citizen action?
  • Develop a shared, authoritative approach to calculating the return on investment (ROI) for reconnecting opportunity youth to school, jobs and service?
  • Integrate youth leadership development principles into our collective programming and build a pipeline of youth leaders into all sectors (business, government, philanthropy and nonprofits)?
  • Identify and advance routes to get to scale?

2018 Projects

How might we as a field…

  • Align best practices for employers of Opportunity Youth with best practices for youth-serving organizations?
  • Lift up and support a global network of Opportunity Youth?
  • Mobilize citizens to advance the economic well-being of Opportunity Youth?
  • Develop programmatic solutions and a policy agenda to ensure national service programs are accessible to and meet the needs of Opportunity Youth?
  • Promote Girls and Women of Color
  • Equip young leaders in every congressional district in the country to make videos to share with their members of Congress?


We also featured updates from the following multi-year collaborative projects:

  • Reconnecting Youth Campaign
  • Opportunity Youth United
  • Job Launch Digital Platform for Connecting Youth and Employers


Summit Materials

2017 Materials

2018 Materials

  • Meeting Agenda

The State of the Field 2017

The “state of the field” plenary is a staple of every OYN Summit. It is a chance for our cross-sector members to get up to speed on the most important developments that have occurred in the last year in government, business, philanthropy, place-based efforts and youth leadership. Below are the updates shared by our panel of experts.

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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