A process that works. 

The YPQI process begins with assessment in order to build on youth workers’ existing strengths and identify challenge areas. These areas then go into an improvement plan as goals, with clear steps and benchmarks for success. We follow this up with powerful supports for youth leaders to manage improvement, and the high-quality Youth Work Methods series of workshops for staff. The assess-plan-improve sequence establishes a supportive system for continuous improvement. 


A team of youth workers & a site leader 


The assess-plan-improve sequence is designed to be a repeating, cyclical process. 


In program self-assessment, youth professionals observe & rate their own program using the Program Quality Assessment (PQA), a research-based observational assessment tool. Meanwhile, outside observers use the PQA to conduct an external assessment for the next step. Scroll down to ‘Technical Assistance’ for more information on the YPQI and conducting self- and external assessments. 

  1. PLAN

Site leaders & staff engage in improvement planning with data, using both self-assessment and external ratings. This step produces a set of goals that site leaders & staff have decided to work on improving. 


After targeted improvement areas have been identified, leaders are trained to provide instructional coaching for staff, & staff members attend Youth Work Methods, workshops aligned with the practices in the Youth & School-Age PQA. 


Technical assistance coaches support site leaders to implement each step in the assess-plan-improve sequence. Additional data sources may also be added in order to deepen the intervention.

Need more support? Check out our technical assistance (TA) briefs to further unpack the YPQI, self-assessment, and external assessment

Our Vision

All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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