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Social Mobility in Rural America

December 5, 2018

Much of the research on the fading "American Dream"-the expectation that children will grow up to earn more than their parents-has focused on the country's urban areas. However, as the nation's cultural, economic, and political divides have deepened, there has been accelerating interest in understanding how the 60 million people who live in rural America are confronting the challenges that come with climbing the income ladder.

Interview with Stuart Foundation President Jonathan Raymond

May 18, 2018

Jonathan Raymond, President of the Stuart Foundation, has spent his career working to transform the way we perceive learners and the learning environment. By taking on challenges while providing a reliable safety net of support, Jonathan's educational philosophy allows kids to develop resilience, respect, and a drive for self-improvement.

Karen Pittman Delivers Samuel Halperin Lecture

February 10, 2017

On April 26, 2017, The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) and the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) hosted the third annual Samuel Halperin Lecture and Youth Public Service Award in Washington, D.C.

The keynote was the Forum's Karen Pittman. The lecture and youth award serve as an ongoing tribute to Samuel Halperin, who dedicated his life and career to improving youth education, workforce, and policy outcomes

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