Our sponsors provide the financial support necessary to help us in keeping the meeting affordable for leaders to attend, and ultimately, strengthen communities around the country.
Interested in sponsoring a future Ready by 21 National Meeting? Contact Kris Minor at kris@forumfyi.org or 202.207.3330 for more information.
Gold Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsors
2020 Ready by 21 National Meeting Lead Local Partner
Metro United Way improves lives and community by fighting for the education, health and financial independence of every person across four counties in Kentucky and three counties in Indiana.
Metro United Way is helping to change the odds for young people in Kentucky and Indiana by:
- Ensuring kids get started on the right foot by focusing on parents having access to quality childcare, and engaging parents and caregivers community-wide to get preschoolers ready to win at kindergarten.
- Providing a stronger educational foundation by establishing a system that helps steer local students toward high-quality out-of-school time programs.
- Providing a network of services to meet people’s basic needs of food, shelter, health and safety thus ensuring children and families not only have what they need, but also what they need to know to live healthy lives.
- Helping families get out of the poverty cycle by providing financial literacy, marketable skills, and hope.
Metro United Way also serves as the backbone organization for BLOCS coalition (Building Louisville’s Out-of-School Time Coordinated System). BLOCS is a partnership of Louisville education, government and community impact organizations striving to improve opportunities for youth. BLOCS creates awareness of the important role OST programs can play in college and career readiness, set standards for program quality, and motivate provider excellence in program performance – because the correlation between quality OST and youth success is compelling.