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The Five Tenets of Successful Cross-System Collaboration

November 8, 2023

Youth-serving systems frequently operate in silos, failing to recognize they are serving the same youth in a disjointed, inefficient and ineffective manner. More collaboration across systems is key to creating an ecosystem approach to positive youth development. Experience and practice have shown there are five key components of successful cross-system collaboration. Read on to learn more.

Strengthening Youth Programs with Insights from Youth-Led Research

October 4, 2023

The heart of a positive youth development approach is to ensure that young people are safe and supported to learn and to lead. Yet, genuine youth leadership in youth-serving systems and organizations is not nearly as common as it needs to be for youth-serving fields to realize their potential. One recent bright spot, highlighting the process and the power of supporting youth leadership was the recent study, From Access to Equity: Making Out-of-School Time Spaces Meaningful for Teens From Marginalized Communities, supported by The Wallace Foundation.

Ecosystem for Youth Belonging and Opportunity

The youth-serving fields are made up of complex and dynamic relationships within and across systems. To create truly equitable opportunities for young people, leaders and systems need to collaborate to provide quality support, forming a multi-dimensional Youth Development Ecosystem.

This new graphic illustrates how supportive relationships and cross-system coordination are key to young people achieving their highest potential in education, work, and life.

State Efforts to Track Workforce Outcomes: Lessons Learned in Pursuit of a National Longitudinal Database

October 4, 2023

Discover how 40 states are using State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) to shape education policy, track student readiness, and improve workforce outcomes. Explore real-world examples from Connecticut's P20 WIN, Indiana's Performance Management Hub, and Kentucky’s Center for Statistics, and learn why a national longitudinal database is the future of informed policymaking in education and beyond.

From Summer Camp to Lasting Impact: Reflecting on Six Decades of Support for Active Learning

August 28, 2023

It's been 60 years since David P. Weikart founded the summer camp that inspired the Youth Program Quality Improvement (YPQI) approach, a signature of the Forum's Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality. From summer camp to now, Dr. Kim Robinson shares her reflections on the five critical ingredients that represent areas that adults can and should support for young people in all types of settings, at all times.

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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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