August 26th marks an important day for the history of the Forum for Youth Investment. The date marks David Weikart’s birthday. Dave passed in 2003. Were he still with us, he would be 88 today. The Forum’s Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality was named after Dave, and builds on his life’s work.
The story of Dave Weikart, High/Scope Camp, and the High Scope Educational Research Foundation is intertwined with the story of the Forum and the Weikart Center. This page is a timeline of Dave’s impact on the Forum and the youth-serving field.
We invite you to honor Dave by learning a bit more about his life and legacy, and by reflecting on how his ideas about ‘active learning’ continue to permeate our work to change the odds for children and youth.
Click to learn more about each phase:
- From Inspiration to Inaugural High/Scope Project Launch (1958-1962)
- From Key Ideas to Operating Foundation: High/Scope Foundation Launched (1963-1974)
- Evolution of Key Ideas: From High/Scope Camp to the Institute for IDEAS (1979-1995)
- Dissemination of Methods: Development of Youth Worker Training (1995-2001)
- A National Thought Leader Team Emerges (1984-1995)
- Launching the Forum for Youth Investment (1995-2002)
- Assessing Program Quality: Developing the YPQA (1999-2005)
- Honoring a Legacy: Establishing the Weikart Center (2007-2010)
- The YPQI: Establishing a National Reputation (2006-2019)
- Ready by 21 Ideas & Initiatives Elevate Youth Work & Program Quality (2002-2012)
- #OneOrg: Strengthening Connections for the Future (2015-2019)
From Inspiration to Inaugural High/Scope Project Launch: 1958-1962
From Key Ideas to Operating Foundation: High/Scope Foundation Launched: 1963-1974
Evolution of Key Ideas: From High/Scope Camp to the Institute for IDEAS (1979-1995)
Dissemination of Methods: Development of Youth Worker Training: 1995-2001