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The Federal Data Strategy: The Forum’s Comments on the Year-One Action Plan

More than a year has passed since the federal government announced its goal of developing a comprehensive strategy for using and managing data to deliver on mission, serve customers, and steward resources while respecting privacy and confidentiality. Now the government has released a draft year-one action plan and is seeking public input on its scope and content. This blog includes our organization's submitted comments on the Federal Data Strategy.

Opportunity Index Release Video (Full)

July 15, 2019

The Opportunity Index is an annual report developed by Opportunity Nation, a campaign of the Forum for Youth Investment, and Child Trends. The Index provides data that show what opportunity looks like in the United States. Take a look at this video for highlights from the release of the latest Index. Please share this information with others.

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All young people reach their fullest potential - in education, work, and life.

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